Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Confluence of Two Everlasting missions..

It has been confluence of two historic days in this week of April month. Baisakhi and new years from other states joining the birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
Baisakhi, which is marked as festival of harvesting of Rabi crop in Punjab, with sheer joy.But the festival is combined with feel of sacrifice with establishment of Khalsa panth by Guru Govind Singh, which reinvented the Sikhism. It also combines with starting of Arya Samaj by Swami Dayanand Saraswati which worked towards cleaning Hindu society. But it also combines with painful day of Jaliawala Bagh Massacre when Innocent people were shot dead by one mad British General Dyer and the GOD was watching all this injustice quietly over
there, creating doubts on many minds of HIS own existence. How can almighty who said to be created this beautiful world can watch such acts quietly. How can he justify this?..

The day follows with another historic day in history of mankind. The Birth of a social reformer, who fought for human rights of millions of people who were treated as someone beyond human race by people of their own country, their own religion. They were deprived of basic needs like education, health and the above all right to live freely. They were untouchables, as if just by their touch water and air was getting polluted.Even Temples of their own religions were closed for them by so called elite class and again the Almighty was
silent. How can the GOD allow one human being to behave like this towards another human being??

Both these were starting of new era in history of India and mankind. On Baisakhi day, Khalsa panth started and which changed the way of living of Sikh society as it gave them sir name of Singh (the Lion). This was the day which asked for supreme sacrifice from them to free nation and free their community from all sorts of evils.Similarly Deeds of Dr. Ambedkar signifies the start of new era in Indian socio-political structure.He fought against all sorts of odds for deprived class, also advocated reforms in Hindu society by giving women
right in property.
The Baisakhi saw Jaliawalabagh Massacre, which ignited many young Indians to fight against British govt.Bhagat singh, Ajad, Rajguru, sukhdev, udham singh and many other sacrificed their lives for free India.Ambedkar's mission was also same, he wanted an India free of inequality among their people. He wanted India to be a better place to live for people from all parts of society, whether Rich or poor, deprived or elite.

Unfortunately, the visions of these great heroes are yet to be fulfilled. Politics are just doing politics to gain power and little for betterment of society. Half the population still deprived of basic needs. Social and regional divide is getting wider. But both these days gives immense hope and shows us that big social movements and changes can be triggered by even one single spark of lightning ideas. Both Guru Govind Singh and Dr. Ambedkar just proved this.