Monday, August 9, 2010

Heaven in Gloom

गर फिरदौस बर रुए ज़मीनस्त। अमीअस्तो, अमिअस्तो, अमीअस्त....

i.e. If there is Heaven anywhere on earth, it's here, it's here, it's here..
These are the beautiful lines written in praise of Kashmir by famous poet Firdous from Mughal India. These simple lines completely describes the beauty of the Kashmir Valley lying in the lap of the ever shining Himalaya. Though i have never been there but just by reading these lines and watching some beautiful scenes, i could imagine the grace of nature there..

But unfortunately this heavenly place is paying the price of being located at a strategically important location for 3 countries, India - because it's ethnic roots lied as part of undivided India - dated back to 4th century. China - Just because of it's nature of old Landlord - who tries to capture and expand it's land base. Pakistan - because of religious reasons, obviously as it was originated out of two nation theory based on Religion, which i feel was the biggest blunder in the history of India, as Nations should never be built out of Religions -Which are nothing but various ways to show our gratitude towards almighty. So as you can see India has the most genuine reason, But in spite of it's ethnic and cultural closeness, India failed to win the hearts and minds of the people of valley even after 62 years of independence.

It hurts when I see kids of Kashmir shouting slogan against Indian State when they should have been in schools and reciting sweet poems and playing games. Youth of Kashmir is getting indulge in stone pelting at armed forces and defying the order of state to maintain law and order, while these young Kashmiris should have been in Colleges pursuing higher eduction and chasing their dreams just like rest of the Indian youths..

We Indians specially policy makers need to do some soul searching to find out reasons behind this... Though there are some very clear reasons, such as excessive army out there in streets of Kashmir, even though it's there to stop the terror exported from neighbouring nation, Pakistan. Other reason seems to be failure of India to accept and have faith in Kashmiri people, the people of Kashmir are still seen with suspicious eyes outside valley. We failed to integrate people of Kashmir in the growth glory of India and most importantly we failed to adopt them in our hearts and minds.. and Kashmir also failed to connect herself with India, as Pro PAK, Pro Azadi seperatist were able to guide people there... But we still call Kashmir as Integral Part of India...

Though sentiments in the valley seems to be favoring आज़ादी. The people of Kashmir should take this decision very carefully and govt of India should come up with solutions to problems there.
Aazadi is not going to provide the instant solution to all their problems, as there lies bigger challenges of fighting Taliban terror exported from Pakistan and Greedy Chinese Dragon.

This Beautiful place deserves peace and happiness. I as a human being, can just pray and hope that everything gets back to normal in Valley of Kashmir and it again flourish like a Heaven..

अब तो करिश्मा दिखा दे कोई
के नफरतो की लौ जला न डाले इस जन्नत को
खुदा! चरागे अमन जगा तू कोई...

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