Friday, November 5, 2010


This one is my 3rd and last poem from Old diary.

Dedicated to my Nana Ji on his death anniversary.

कुछ लोग जाने कहाँ चले जाते हैं ,
वो फिर लौट कर न आते हैं ।

फिजाओं में गूंज़ती उनकी आवाज़ ,
आते न वो बस आती है याद ।

न जाने क्यूँ वो रूठ जाते हैं ,
सारे रिश्ते नाते उनसे टूट जाते हैं ।

वो सबको छोड़ जाते हैं ,
सारे बंधन तोड़ जाते हैं ।

कभी कभी मैं कुछ सोंचता हूँ ,
मन ही मन में खुद से पूंछता हूँ ।

जाना ही है जब इक दिन ,
क्यूँ इतने रिश्ते बंधन जोड़ जाते हैं ।

जब जोड़ते हैं बंधन फिर ,
क्यूँ इक दिन सबसे मुंह मोड़ जाते हैं ।

अब चाहे हो दिवाली या की हो ईद ,
उनके आने की नहीं है कोई उम्मीद ।

फिर भी कभी कभी होता है एहसास ,
जैसे हों वो कहीं आस पास ।

जब ख़ुशी में और कभी गम में ,
आहट सी होती है दरवाजे पर ,
और हवा का झोंका गुजरता है सर को छू कर ।

तो होता है एहसास ,
जैसे वो दे रहे हों आशीर्वाद ।

Saturday, October 23, 2010

उड़ान ~~~

A Poem from Bollywood Film Udaan..

जो लहरों से आगे नजर देख पाती,
तो तुम जान लेते मैं क्या सोंचता हूँ.

वो आवाज तुमको भी जो भेद जाती,
तो तुम जान लेते मैं क्या सोंचता हूँ.

जिद का तुम्हारे जो पर्दा सरकता,
खिडकियों से आगे भी तुम देख पाते.
आँखों से आदतों की जो पलकें हटाते,
तो तुम जान लेते मैं क्या सोंचता हूँ.

मेरी तरह होता अगर खुद पर जरा भरोसा,
तो कुछ दूर तुम भी साथ साथ आते.

रंग मेरी आँखों का बाँटते ज़रा सा,
तो कुछ दूर तुम भी साथ साथ आते.

नशा आसमान का जो चूमता तुम्हे,
हसरतें तुम्हारी नया जन्म पातीं,
खुद दूसरे जन्म में मेरी उड़ान छूने,
कुछ दूर तुम भी साथ साथ आते…

Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Message from GOD

One sunny morning 3 people were having stormy discussion and suddenly started fighting. One of God’s messenger was watching this and he decided to resolve the matter..
Messenger went down and asked them what was the matter?

1st person: “I am Mr. A XYZ.. I am trying to say that, GOD loves me more because I follow XYZ religion. Also…”
2nd Person: Interrupting 1st Person, “I am Mr. B UVW.. My religion is better than yours and So GOD loves me more..”
Suddenly 3rd person started shouting at both of them.. “Long live MNO…..” He was Mr. C MNO.

Messenger got worried and asked.. “What’s this XYZ, UVW, MNO?”
All said .. “It’s Our Religion..”
Messenger asked again.. “And what does that mean?”
1st said: “Going to temples and praying to God’ Idol and acknowledging His Supremacy.”
2nd said : “ Going to Mosque and praying Namaj and thanking Him for everything He gave me.”
3rd Said : “Going to Church for Mass and adoring Him and getting His blessings..”

Messenger Asked again.. “Then what’s the difference there. What’s Point of argument? You all have a common goal of praying to GOD and getting God’s blessings.. right?”
They said in Chorus.. “But we go to different places to pray.. Our methods are different and My method is better…… ”

Suddenly the tension started building.. Sparks started flying..

Messenger Calmed them down and said.. “So the problem is Method of prayers and Shape of building.. Do you think Almighty needs these buildings built by you tiny immortals? Don’t you know He is Omnipresent and He is the one who is controlling this whole universe.. and you fool think you can give Him a nice place to Stay..”
All kept silent..

Messenger went on.. “When you want to go from your home to office what mode of transport you use?”
1st One : I use my CAR.
2nd One : I use public transport.
3rd One : I go via Private Cabs.

Messenger : So.. does this make any difference where you reach at the end of journey?
All: No….

Messenger said politely again : “So.. it’s the destination which matters not the medium.. Your religions are like Medium to Reach to GOD and all are Good…”
Messenger asked now.. “Do you know What’s God’s Religion?”
Everyone in eagerness: Tell me.. Tell me….?
Messenger: He has no Religion which divide people…. “He is almighty and he treats all of His Children equally.. Irrespective of their Names or Surnames – which are created by you human beings only.. He loves all of his Children, whatever name the Child call Him.. Allah, Jesus, Ram.. He never differentiate.”
All 3 had their eyes down with guilt feeling..

Messenger asked again… “Have you ever seen a River refusing someone to take water from it.. ? Sun not providing light to certain areas as they follow Religion XYZ or UVW or MNO? Rain asking people what’s your surname before sprinkling the Raindrops of Joy? ”
All in Chorus of Unity.. “NO…..”

Messenger: So how can you humans ask such questions and say you believe in God.. Please don’t Let this Religion come in between you..

All Nodded positively and embraced each other… then said.. “We agree to Follow God’s Religion of Love, Harmony, Togetherness and Kindness..”

Messenger went happily.. and saw GOD smiling….. :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Religion : The tool to divide GOD

A nation gripped in tension, fear of some unforeseen event, a day before high court verdict on much awaited, overstretched and over hyped case of Ayodhya Ram Janmbhoomi title suite. Security forces were on high alert, Govts were appealing for peace and harmony and common man was extremely worried as the verdict would have been recipe for communal violence and unrest across the nation. Even though people of Ayodhya are tired of this whole exercise. But some organisation have fueled it just for their political agenda.

This one instance has challenged India's image of a secular nation. Even though we flaunt ourselves to be a secular nation, Tensions are raising high on an issue which decides which party will have right on a land which might be used later for building a Temple or a Mosque and people were not willing to share the place for last 60 years.. Some court also ordered that both Mandir and Masjid should not be in close proximity on disputed land but there should at least be a distance of 10 kms between them to avoid any kind of communal unrest.

If a nation can't have two religious structure in close proximity, how can it be called a Secular nation. Unfortunately i have to say that we are a religion frenzy nation, where it's very easy to instigate violence on the name of religion and God. There is no tolerance in their definition of religion. Religion has become a tool to divide people and I am 100% sure the Almighty watching over there would be very sad on this. People say GOD is everywhere and then they are fighting for a piece of land saying Ram was born on this particular piece of earth. They have restricted God's existence to a specific place. If their faith says HE was born in Ayodhya, then HIS existence is everywhere there and all across the universe. Why to fight for a specific place? GOD HIMSELF has no religion and it's We the most intelligent creature on earth who created religion and divided GOD.

As I always believed that Religion or Faith is just a medium to praise the Almighty and two religions might use different methods but ultimate Goal is same for all of them. This little difference is just like the difference we have in our work, behaviour, dressing sense, eating habits but eventually everyone wants a happy life. So, there can't be any difference in some one calling HIM Ram, Allah, Christ or anything else.. All are same. This divisive nature of religion has forced me to call religion a tool to divide GOD. And that's why a world free of Religion or people free of religious bias are needed to keep humanity in peace and harmony.

धर्मग्रन्थ सब जला चुकी है, जिसके अंतर की ज्वाला,

मंदिर, मसजिद, गिरिजे, सब को तोड़ चुका जो मतवाला,

पंडित, मोमिन, पादिरयों के फंदों को जो काट चुका,

कर सकती है आज उसी का स्वागत मेरी मधुशाला।

Please don't divide HIM and humanity on HIS name. That's why i feel religion is the most powerful threat to humanity unless it's true meaning is rediscovered. In today's environment below lines from Madhushala are really meaningful..

मुसलमान औ' हिन्दू है दो, एक, मगर, उनका प्याला,

एक, मगर, उनका मदिरालय, एक, मगर, उनकी हाला,

दोनों रहते एक न जब तक मस्जिद मन्दिर में जाते,

बैर बढ़ाते मस्जिद मन्दिर मेल कराती मधुशाला!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Below lines from my Old diary.. 2nd of the 3 poems which i have written way back in 2005.

कुछ ख्वाब देखे थे मैंने बचपन में ,
खुद से बातें करते हुए दर्पण में ।
चाहा था मैंने बुलंदियों तक ही जाना,
कुछ ऐसा करना जिसे देखे सारा जमाना ।
लेकिन वे सपने पूरे न हो सके,
हम बुलंदियों को हमेशा छू न सके ।
फिर भी मुझे कुछ गम नहीं है,
जो मैंने पाया वो कम नहीं है ।
चाहा था मैंने चाँद तारों तक जाना,
पर अभी बादलों पर ही है ठिकाना ।
चाँद और तारे ज़रूर रौशनी बिखेरते हैं,
पर बादल भी नन्हीं बूंदों से मुस्कुराते हैं ।
देखकर बादल को मोर नाचते हैं,
बच्चे झूम झूम जाते हैं ।
ख़ुशी है इस बात की, ऊंचाई मुझे मिली है इतनी,
की अभी और ऊपर की ओर निहार सकता हूँ
और धरती पर खुशियाँ बिखार सकता हूँ
हूँ इतनी ऊंचाई पर की धरती लगती है अभी भी अपनी ।

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Teacher's Day Dedication to My first Teacher

I would dedicate below lines to My First Teacher... or i would say First Teacher of every creature on earth.. One's very own MOTHER.

अभी उफनती हुई नदी हो, अभी नदी का उतार हो माँ
रहो किसी भी दशा दिशा में, तुम अपने बच्चों का प्यार हो माँ
चला मैं जिस नाँव को यूँ ही लेकर,
उस नैया की तुम्ही तो पतवार हो माँ
पहुंचा हूँ आज जिन बुलंदियों पर,
तुम्ही तो उस इमारत का आधार हो माँ
चला मैं जिस राह पर मंजिलों तक,
तुम्ही तो उस पथ का द्वार हो माँ
जब जब मैं यूँ ही मुस्कुराया,
तुम्ही तो हंसी की फुहार हो माँ
चोट जब भी लगी है मुझको,
तो दर्द के आंसूअन की धार हो माँ
जब छाये निराशा की बदरी,
तुम ही तो सुनहरी विहान हो माँ
तुम ही हो मेरे काबा और काशी,
तुम ही तो मेरे सब धाम हो माँ
अर्पण है तुम्हे ये सारा जीवन,
करता हूँ शत शत प्रणाम लो माँ..

Monday, August 16, 2010

Freedom!!! The Unfinished dream...

As we celebrate 64th independence day, the day of Freedom from 190 year old British rule, Thought that do we have really achieved freedom in true sense is disturbing my mind..
So i want to explore and try to answer this...
The definition from Oxford dictionary defines freedom in many ways but i found below the most significant once...
"absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government "
"the power or right to act , speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.."
"the power of self-determination attributed to the will; the quality of being independent of fate or necessity"
India got freedom as per first definition as British left India and Created India & Pakistan (unfortunately) dominion.
If we take second definition, our constitution has given this right to all our citizens as preamble of Indian Constitution states...

"WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;"

Third definition also very much part of Indian Constitution and it was a dream of our great Freedom fighters, as reflected in the famous Tryst with destiny speech given by our first prime minister Jawahar lal Nehru ji on Aug 15th 1947..

"Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance. .... The ambition of the greatest man of our generation has been to wipe every tear from every eye. That may be beyond us, but as long as there are tears and suffering, so long our work will not be over......."

As you can see, our freedom fighters and political leaders had the dream of India full of smiles without suffering. They wanted Indians to have freedom to express their thoughts, get Justice and every Indian to have equal opportunity to grow and work towards development of India.Our Constitution has many provisions and laws to elaborate the spirit of it's preamble and Judiciary and Govts. have to follow this spirit. But unfortunately, our political class seems to have deviated from the visions of our great freedom fighters as they are busy gaining strength and money for their own welfare and they least think about the poorest before making any policy, which was the dream and vision of Independent India. People from all walks of life fought together for the freedom of our motherland from foreign rule for Swarajya. The people of India would have expected that now that country is free from British rule and we have a free nation governed by it's Own people there will be no more injustice, no more ban on expression of thought, no more discrimination in job opportunity, no more attack on one's individual dignity.There would have been a sense of Joy and pride in the minds of Indians from all class and creed, Rich or poor as they were now Part of Free India and India would have cerebrated the most Significant day in her History.

But all that Joy, belief, dreams seems to be faded away slowly and slowly in these last 63 years. Now the Justice for poor seems to be nowhere in country, as we see cases pending for 2-3 decades and we get nothing.. Bhopal Gas tragedy, 84 Sikh riots, Nitish Katara Murder case, Ruchika Gehrotra case, Jessica Lal Case, Babri Masjid, Bombay Blast93, and many other scams by our politicians are just a few examples of this long list of Cases pending..Though our Constitution promised Justice and Justice might have been given in some of these cases but that was too late and as there is saying Justice delayed is justice denied and that's what happened in all these cases. Corruption seems to have become a way of life for our bureaucrats and politicians and unfortunately seldom any cases against any of top politician or bureaucrats get to it's justified end. Police forces, whose main Job is to maintain law and order and protect poor and weaker section of society have become symbol of fear and terror in minds of people. They have become puppet of Rich and Powerful mafias. It looks like that The dream of wiping out tears from every eye is lost as the cruel reality is almost 45% of our population lives with an income of 20 Rs. per day. Farmer suicide has become a trend. Untouchability and cast divide is still a bitter reality of our society. Brides are still being torched for dowry, Women still don't feel safe in workplaces and in markets, Honor killings are being glorified and justified. Few people with power don't really care about common man and they have the feelings that they can do whatever they want and get away with it quite easily.

Common man don't have belief in system as they don't feel safe as terrorist, Maoist are striking almost at will and our govts are helpless about it.They are even having threat even with it's own people (police, mafia and politician trio). It looks like we got freedom only from Foreign nationals and those faces have been replaced with our own nationals, the soul of Cruel British rulers is still alive in bodies of Politicians, bureaucrats and everyone wants to exploit poor common man.

The picture is really gloomy.. But there is silver lining in this cloudy atmosphere.. India have become nuclear power capable nation. We have sent moon mission.Our economy is one of the fastest growing economy. Rate of literacy have increased quite radially. India have become Information technology outsourcing hub.Child Mortality rate has reduced significantly to show our progress in health sector. There have been some path breaking improvements in governance as well as we still have some good and dedicated leaders in country. RTI (Right to Information), RTE (Right to Education) and Food Security Acts are few really good initiative at govt part but implementation of these acts need to be monitored well. Most importantly, we have almost 50% population below 25 Year of age and 30% of population at the age 10-24. That's a huge plus point if the creativity of this population is channelized in a proper way and this generation can change all the issues shown above as they are the future politicians, Police officers and bureaucrats.We need to make sure all of this population gets a quality education and they are inculcated with ethical, moral and nationalist values, so that the next generation can eradicate all these problems of corruption and misuse of power making India a better place to live and that's where RTE can really do wonders. RTI has been able to curtail the corruption in bureaucracy as it is making governance more transparent and accessible to common man. Responsible Journalism can also help in achieving goal of RTE act.

We can't change the past but we have great opportunity to make our future beautiful. The responsibility is on our generation to bring about positive changes to make India a better place to live. It's WE THE YOUTH OF INDIA, who can realize the dreams of our Great Freedom fighters and Spread Smiles all over..
I have India of My dreams as dreamt by RabindraNath Tagore in below lines..

WHERE the mind is without fear and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls
Where words come out from the depth of truth
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit
Where the mind is led forward by thee Into ever-widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.

I am confident that this dream will surely come true one day and True Freedom will be achieved.. Let the Journey begin... :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Heaven in Gloom

गर फिरदौस बर रुए ज़मीनस्त। अमीअस्तो, अमिअस्तो, अमीअस्त....

i.e. If there is Heaven anywhere on earth, it's here, it's here, it's here..
These are the beautiful lines written in praise of Kashmir by famous poet Firdous from Mughal India. These simple lines completely describes the beauty of the Kashmir Valley lying in the lap of the ever shining Himalaya. Though i have never been there but just by reading these lines and watching some beautiful scenes, i could imagine the grace of nature there..

But unfortunately this heavenly place is paying the price of being located at a strategically important location for 3 countries, India - because it's ethnic roots lied as part of undivided India - dated back to 4th century. China - Just because of it's nature of old Landlord - who tries to capture and expand it's land base. Pakistan - because of religious reasons, obviously as it was originated out of two nation theory based on Religion, which i feel was the biggest blunder in the history of India, as Nations should never be built out of Religions -Which are nothing but various ways to show our gratitude towards almighty. So as you can see India has the most genuine reason, But in spite of it's ethnic and cultural closeness, India failed to win the hearts and minds of the people of valley even after 62 years of independence.

It hurts when I see kids of Kashmir shouting slogan against Indian State when they should have been in schools and reciting sweet poems and playing games. Youth of Kashmir is getting indulge in stone pelting at armed forces and defying the order of state to maintain law and order, while these young Kashmiris should have been in Colleges pursuing higher eduction and chasing their dreams just like rest of the Indian youths..

We Indians specially policy makers need to do some soul searching to find out reasons behind this... Though there are some very clear reasons, such as excessive army out there in streets of Kashmir, even though it's there to stop the terror exported from neighbouring nation, Pakistan. Other reason seems to be failure of India to accept and have faith in Kashmiri people, the people of Kashmir are still seen with suspicious eyes outside valley. We failed to integrate people of Kashmir in the growth glory of India and most importantly we failed to adopt them in our hearts and minds.. and Kashmir also failed to connect herself with India, as Pro PAK, Pro Azadi seperatist were able to guide people there... But we still call Kashmir as Integral Part of India...

Though sentiments in the valley seems to be favoring आज़ादी. The people of Kashmir should take this decision very carefully and govt of India should come up with solutions to problems there.
Aazadi is not going to provide the instant solution to all their problems, as there lies bigger challenges of fighting Taliban terror exported from Pakistan and Greedy Chinese Dragon.

This Beautiful place deserves peace and happiness. I as a human being, can just pray and hope that everything gets back to normal in Valley of Kashmir and it again flourish like a Heaven..

अब तो करिश्मा दिखा दे कोई
के नफरतो की लौ जला न डाले इस जन्नत को
खुदा! चरागे अमन जगा तू कोई...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Month that Was...

One more month has gone past.. Month of April which was quite happening as along with natural factors of specialness such as first month of Financial Year, New years of some states, it also had IPL buzz, beginning of world T20 and for me visit to my home town Kanpur.

April months starts with tax planning for new financial year. Though, i am not eligible yet, thanks to my employer. But still needs to do fill tax planner for the year, before i could left for my hometown. It was a visit without any occasion, but Just for a break from unhealthy lifestyle and relax in the company of my loved once. It's really out of the world experience playing with my little niece and nephews. it just takes the all sorts of tensions away and one just forgets about all the worldly worries.

Since i was traveling alone in train and it was going to be approx 36 hours Journey, i took an biography on My favorite leader Subhash Chandra Bose. The book named Patriot, written by captain Manwati Arya from INA of Netaji.It was really difficult to pass this long journey in train. I read the book for some time and listen to music on cellphone for sometime and slept most of the time.Since it was Rajdhani express, they kept everyone busy eating every 4 hours except at nights.. that was also a sort of time pass. Observing people, their talks and behaviour, was a bit of interesting thing as well.

Finally i reached there on 19th April via New Delhi and Ghaziabad. Meanwhile IPL was going in a full flow, with many controversies over team ownerships, advertisement contracts, bomb blast outside Chinnaswamy Stadium Bangalore and Semis shifted to Dy. Patil stadium Navi Mumbai.It shows how our Govts reacts quickly when someone talks against them. Govt, IT deptt. and BCCI could not found anything wrong in Last 3 years against Lalit Modi but as soon as he targeted a union minister everyone just woke up. Shashi tharoor has Just resigned and everyone forget about him and started targeting Modi and whole IPL. I enjoyed my one week stay at home and then started to come back on IPL finale day, with my favorite "Team Sachin"i.e. Mumbai Indians there and IPL trophy had a great chance of getting lifted by the hands of the GOD of Cricket Himself.

But how come everything go fine with me. The connecting train to Jhansi from Kanpur got delayed by 3:30 hrs.And i had no option but to take bus from Kanpur to Jhansi. Bus started at 6:30 PM, with approx 6hrs 45 mins remaining to catch the train and only 230 Kms to go, One would feel quite optimistic and comfortable but people from my part of India might not. I thought it might take 5 to 5:30 hours and by 12 Midnight, i must be there. But when after 3 hours, i reached half the distance, i realised the big difference in northern and southern part of country. Northern part specially BIMARU states are lagging behind just because the people don't think about basic infrastructures like Roads and electricity but they are more concerned about cast and religion politics. Any ways the road ahead was making me feel like, missing my train surely and i already started thinking of a plan B. Adding salt to injury, the driver stopped for 20-25 mins for having dinner on the way. At that point, i thought it's all over. I was getting score updates in between for IPL finale. There also news was not good MI lost to CSK and the IPL trophy missed the golden opportunity to be lifted the GOD himself.

I had 45 mins only and there were no signs of Jhansi in the Dark and lonely roads. Suddenly i saw one sign board saying Jhansi, i still had 30 mins, talked to driver and he told me it will take another 10 mins to be at Bus stand and from there it will take 5-10 mins only to Railway Station. And looks like My stars turned around finally and i reached at platform 10 mins before scheduled arrival of train and now train was also 15 mins late.

Again passed the journey by using same methods as while going.. Throughout this journey, again the painful difference between southern and northern states was visible. The same railway department seems to be doing well in southern parts in terms of accuracy and cleanliness of railway platforms. Anyways enjoying some beautiful outside views from train, i was back to work on 27th and 3 days later world T20 started with India starting off well by winning both their first round games and Getting to Super League.

Now hoping for Good Luck of 26th April to be continued for rest of the year.. :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Confluence of Two Everlasting missions..

It has been confluence of two historic days in this week of April month. Baisakhi and new years from other states joining the birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
Baisakhi, which is marked as festival of harvesting of Rabi crop in Punjab, with sheer joy.But the festival is combined with feel of sacrifice with establishment of Khalsa panth by Guru Govind Singh, which reinvented the Sikhism. It also combines with starting of Arya Samaj by Swami Dayanand Saraswati which worked towards cleaning Hindu society. But it also combines with painful day of Jaliawala Bagh Massacre when Innocent people were shot dead by one mad British General Dyer and the GOD was watching all this injustice quietly over
there, creating doubts on many minds of HIS own existence. How can almighty who said to be created this beautiful world can watch such acts quietly. How can he justify this?..

The day follows with another historic day in history of mankind. The Birth of a social reformer, who fought for human rights of millions of people who were treated as someone beyond human race by people of their own country, their own religion. They were deprived of basic needs like education, health and the above all right to live freely. They were untouchables, as if just by their touch water and air was getting polluted.Even Temples of their own religions were closed for them by so called elite class and again the Almighty was
silent. How can the GOD allow one human being to behave like this towards another human being??

Both these were starting of new era in history of India and mankind. On Baisakhi day, Khalsa panth started and which changed the way of living of Sikh society as it gave them sir name of Singh (the Lion). This was the day which asked for supreme sacrifice from them to free nation and free their community from all sorts of evils.Similarly Deeds of Dr. Ambedkar signifies the start of new era in Indian socio-political structure.He fought against all sorts of odds for deprived class, also advocated reforms in Hindu society by giving women
right in property.
The Baisakhi saw Jaliawalabagh Massacre, which ignited many young Indians to fight against British govt.Bhagat singh, Ajad, Rajguru, sukhdev, udham singh and many other sacrificed their lives for free India.Ambedkar's mission was also same, he wanted an India free of inequality among their people. He wanted India to be a better place to live for people from all parts of society, whether Rich or poor, deprived or elite.

Unfortunately, the visions of these great heroes are yet to be fulfilled. Politics are just doing politics to gain power and little for betterment of society. Half the population still deprived of basic needs. Social and regional divide is getting wider. But both these days gives immense hope and shows us that big social movements and changes can be triggered by even one single spark of lightning ideas. Both Guru Govind Singh and Dr. Ambedkar just proved this.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

One Shockful Lesson

It was ugadi evening.. Unusually hot day in Bangalore. Our ceiling fans were also struggling in heat.they were running as if they have deeply taken the moral of story of rabbit an tortoise.Slow and steady wins the race... KKR were struggling too against CSK on their home ground.
Then suddenly, to our surprise, a lightening happened as if Goddess of Power blessed us, and fan started dancing in Joy. Seems it reaches the finishing point of the race and now dancing with Joy. We thought "oh so it was Voltage that was causing our fans to go slow like a tortoise".. Our faces also lit up with smiles, Finlay bit relaxation in this heat.
CSK also won comfortably and we switched off TV, off to the bed using remote control. Laptops were also doing overtime in night and were kept on even in sleep mode. :)

We Woke up quite early due to hot and humid conditions, as fan was not running, We thought there's no electricity. But an hour later we realised that Mosquito killer "All Out" is twinkling, may be indicating the fate to follow. So Power is there but fan has reached final destination and ran it's last race. Soon we found that "Internet devta" also gone as connecting white box's lightening green eyes seems to gone emotionless.
Then only we Realized it was not Goddess of Power but Lord Shiva with his Destructive eye open for creating new shristi.
It was Really sad scenes all over. with Dejection in heart, we left for office. Then suddenly House Owner came as Angel send by God. Aware of last night tandav, he was planning to replace fans. This gave us Bit of hope and solace.

We Reached office in 20 mins and then It turned out to be After Shocks as in case of massive earthquakes.. laptop's AC Power Adapter was also found dead. It was supreme sacrifice to Save big Bro Laptop.then whole day we Struggled to get process to get adapter replaced finally and finally got to know right process at the end of day only.
We reached home deliberately late, knowing there will be no fan. But to our surprise electrician was ready to replace fan, and replaced both. it was like begining of new shristi.. new fans came and were dancing in joy of freedom.

But The biggest shock was yet to come. As soon as we switched on Our Lifeline the so called Idiot Box "TV" . It was shivering and screen was trembling in sock. And within 5 mins after admiring our idiotic act of keeping it in sleep mode and power on. It went into "maun samadhi". I think it had no words to explain our stupidity so It went "Speechless".

Thanks to Lalid Modi, we have IPL. And i think First time ever we watched Sachin Thrashing Bowlers in a silent mode.Watched MI thrashing DD and went to sleep.. This time TV was fully disconnected from the source of power and all other equipments except new fan.... But we have already learnt our lesson and God is too kind and busy to give lessons every day to same person.
It was Real life example of thousands of ad saying save electricity. Switch off all electric equipments when not in USE. We would never forget it now.....:)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Are we in 21st Century????

Disgusting!! this was first thought came into my mind, when yesterday, i saw shocking visuals of So called Godmen madly standing over infants and beating Girls and women infront of hundreads of villagers on the name of curing them from evil souls.
The people out there were simply chanting, clapping and singing devotional songs while this mad "Baba" was brutely beating girls and women to cure them from evil souls.
Administration also seemed to have kept their eyes closed and day dreaming some where.

But the way people around him behaving was the most diturbing part of it. Even in 2010, India belives in these things, people worships such fraudulant babas. Administration also get influenced by them. Even though we boast of fastest growing economy in world, and are nuclear super power and we have discovered water on moon, the other part of story is really sad.
People still get influenced by such blind faiths, get affected by religious and regional divide.
Do we have a moral right to be called as Economic Super Power when 30% of our poulation is struggling to earn 1000 rs per month. Can we really boast of IIMs and IITs when 45% of our population is illeterate and 20% of litterate haven't studied beyond primary school.
Can we boast of one of the largest democracy, Where Girl Child is killed soon after taking birth just because she is a girl in many parts of nation, Where untouchabilty and cast and religion based divide still exists in minds of even so called "Well Educated" people.

Got really disturbed.. but then there is always hope and i thought "We Shall Overcome One day... " waiting...... for the day to come soon.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

New Year New Hope

The day began with new hopes as Hindu new year is being celeberated in many states of India with different names.
Ugadi -- "Yuga Adi" The begining of new age as rightly called in Karnataka and Andhra marks the start of Chaitra Month, which marks the onset of spring.
Gudi Padva in Maharashtra, Cheiraoba in Manipur, Navreh in Kashmir, Chetichand in Sindh are other names given to the same festival of new begining and hope in other parts of nation.
But whatever you called it, the inherent feel remains the same. The Joy, hope and expectations remains the same.
It's just another day of happiness in this busy life of many people which brings them closer to nature and their family. And for some it is a day to relax by extending long weekends.
Every year, we promise ourselves and to our loved ones to get rid of any bad habbits and gain some good, but everyone may not be able to achieve these goals, still another year gives the strength and fresh energy and impulse to acheive what has been missed last year. That's the way life goes on....
I wish this year bring joy and happiness to every face on earth and our planet become little more beautiful place to live on this universe... :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Koshish by Sohan Lal Dwivedi

लहरों से डरकर नौका पार नहीं होती,
कोशिश करने वालों की हार नहीं होती,
नन्ही चींटी जब दाना लेकर चलती है,
चढ़ती दीवारों पर, सौ बार फिसलती है.
मन का विश्वास रगों में साहस भरता है,
चढ़कर गिरना, गिरकर चढ़ना न अखरता है.
आखिर उसकी मेहनत बेकार नहीं होती,
कोशिश करने वालों की हार नहीं होती.

डुबकियाँ सिन्धु में गोताखोर लगाता है,
जा जा कर खाली हाथ लौटकर आता है,
मिलते नहीं सहज ही मोती गहरे पानी में,
बढ़ता दुगना उत्साह इसी हैरानी में.
मुट्ठी उसकी खाली हर बार नहीं होती,
कोशिश करने वालों की हार नहीं होती.

असफलता एक चुनौती है, इसे स्वीकार करो,
क्या कमी रह गयी, देखो और सुधार करो.
जब तक न सफल हो, नींद चैन को त्यागो तुम,
संघर्ष का मैदान छोड़कर मत भागो तुम.
कुछ किये बिना ही जय जयकार नहीं होती,
कोशिश करने वालों की हार नहीं होती